Art of living sudarshan kriya procedure
Art of living sudarshan kriya procedure

art of living sudarshan kriya procedure

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art of living sudarshan kriya procedure

The relevant national law will take precedence in the event that it conflicts with this Privacy Policy, or it has stricter requirements than this Privacy Policy. It supplements the national data privacy laws. This Privacy Policy comprises the internationally accepted data privacy principles without replacing the existing national laws. The Privacy Policy provides one of the necessary framework conditions for cross-border data transmission among the Organization. This Privacy Policy applies worldwide to the Organization and is based on globally accepted, basic principles of data protection. It would certainly benefit you.The Organization is committed to international compliance with data protection laws. If you have not done this course yet, I would advise you to do it. Those who had health issues like spondylolysis etc. Apart from that and a water bottle, you do not need anything else. If you are not comfortable with doing Vajrasana, then you are asked to bring a small pillow to keep under your feet. If you have done Yoga and Pranayam before, you would find the course very easy. The lectures regarding philosophy were also nice, which do help to change your attitude. Everyday, simple homework was given in which we were asked to bring the answers to some simple questions. The main aim of the course is to wipe out impurities from our bodies as well as to give us a new attitude to look at the world so that we would be happy throughout our life. Thus, I had a very nice time and enjoyed the course. We were asked to come for follow-ups once every week at the same place. Pairs were formed out of the participants and the gifts were exchanged, which we were asked to bring before. We did play some nice games and also danced on the tunes of devotional songs. After that, we had our tiffins and snacks. Initially, we did warm-up exercises, Yoga asanas, three-stage Pranayam, and then Sudarshan Kriya. The fifth day was the same as day four except that we were taught some Yoga asanas. This Kriya is known as Home Sudarshan Kriya. You are not provided with the CD having Guruji’s voice.


On this day, the teacher taught us how to do Sudarshan Kriya at home because at home you have to do Sudarshan Kriya by counting the numbers. Then, we had Satsang for about two hours in which some people sang nice devotional songs. On the fourth day, we did warm-up exercises. The only difference was that the Sudarshan Kriya we did is known as Day 2. The third day was the same as that of the second day. He chants Soham in different ways and you have to breathe according to that. This Kriya was done with Guruji’s voice recorded on a CD. After that, we did Uzzai and 3-stage Pranayam and the main attraction of the course i.e., Sudarshan Kriya (Day 1). We were shown a video regarding Guruji’s life. On the second day, we did some warm-up exercises. Then, she taught us Uzzai Pranayam and three-stage Pranayam, which is an important part of the course. After that, we did some warm-up exercises. Then the teacher delivered a lecture on philosophy as well as gave some information about AOL.

art of living sudarshan kriya procedure

A volunteer applied Chandan tilak on everybody’s forehead. On the first day, they distributed a small notebook, a pen, and an identity card to everybody.

Art of living sudarshan kriya procedure